Social Detox

UX design, UX research

Duration: 1 months

Tools: Figma, Miro, Adobe CC

Collaborators: Mason Kang, Clarice Du

An app that helps combat social media addiction; it aims to help users manage the amount of time they spend on social media. Instigating a friendly competitive environment, the app encourages users to keep their peers in check, as well as pick up legitimate plans that will help them combat mindless scrolling/addiction.

Ecosystem Collection Map

Research Interviews


Storyboard + Brainstorming


Mid-fidelity + User Testing


Final Product

Our group first gained insight into the impact of unethical, addictive features in social media on users. Rather than altering these features, we're focusing on addressing the related issues and emotions to achieve our goals
Highlights from research interviews on young adolescents. In our secondary research, we explored how social media's design, like infinite scrolling, slot machine effect, and the Hooked Model, promotes user addiction for increased engagement and ad revenue.
Our aim is to make users aware of their social media habits and break the addiction cycle fostered by these platforms. Our research delves into addiction causes and habit-forming factors, seeking ways to disrupt mindless consumption and satirize the addiction, leading to user self-awareness.
During brainstorming and storyboarding, our team formulated 'how might we' questions to define our app's features and focus areas. We reconsidered our target user, shifting from adolescents to a broader demographic. 
We want to create an app to augment existing social media, incorporating features like a 'Spotify Wrapped' style analysis, usage analytics, and alternatives for mental health improvement and habit-breaking.
We then aim to make our menu bar clearer with icon descriptions and add features like app-specific analytics and improvement metrics
Utilize a pastel color scheme to attract a younger audience and create a calming, motivational user experience.